
Really, there's not much to show, but here you go.
On the top is the failed fabric dye job. Other than the distinct color difference between the two (which isn't costume accurate), the picture almost makes the fabric look as if it's close to the colors of her costume. Trust me - they're not. They'll make a nice nameless Jedi costume after I'm done with my current ones. :P
On the bottom is the skirt - it's got no wasteband, no hem - it's really not in any sort of wearable condition. It's more like... here, look - a starting point. :P At least the hems are done, and it's not pinned together.
After payday on Thursday I'm headed fabric shopping for replacement stuff. I'm hoping I can get my butt in gear to get this done before D*C (Labor Day), but with all the embroidery (since I want to do front and back) it might not be feasible. Bah.
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